The Vortex-es of my life

 In which I will present to you the two books both the second books on the series and same title. Both of the first book was highly addicting to me.

First Vortex  - S.J. Kincaid
Its the second book of Insignia. You can check my review here.  Reason why I'm dying to read the second book : IT'S THE GAMES AND WORLD WAR III. I'm sure the book will contain a large amount of kick-ass scenes, and technology at it's most entrancing way.

 Second Vortex - by Julie Cross
Its the second book of the Tempest series. You can check my review here. This book has the ability to take you in different places and time instantly. It's time traveling at its best! Oh, and another thing, the super giddy romance scenes of it is enticingly sweet. I'm looking forward on reading it once I finished Tempest because it was a cliffhanger and Vortex is the only cure of my illness of cliffhanger-y.

The most enjoyable part of this two books that I love, the color of the cover are both BLUE! My favorite color! What else can I be! I'm already hypnotized!

Now I'm off to go, I need to save up for these books. Bye!
